Hello everyone, welcome to our first edition newsletter for 2020. A new decade is upon us and I wish you all a very Happy New Year and Happy New Decade!
We had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season here at John Clarke. We were fortunate to have Santa spend some extra time with us and made everyone’s holiday extra special. Special thanks to Robin and her staff for making this holiday so special. Thanks to all our staff for being in the Holiday moment and adding to our joy.
The New Year brings great hope and expectation of great things happening for us not only here at John Clarke but in the world as well. We have a busy year planned for our family here at John Clarke as we begin our yearlong celebration of our 40th anniversary here at 600 Valley Road. We will let you know our plans during this year to fully celebrate this milestone.
To coincide with this special anniversary, we are embarking on a two-year Capital Campaign. Our goal is to raise two million dollars to do renovations on both sides of our complex and to do systems upgrades. We have started with a Capital needs assessment and we are developing a campaign committee to help us achieve our goal. If you would like to help us, please let me know and will include you in the planning and implementation process.
I would like to recognize our December Whatever it takes award winner, Gentle Guinguing. Gentle is a C.N.A. and a Med Tech. He is always demonstrating the very best qualities in his care of our residents. Thank you Gentle and congratulations.
In closing I want to thank you for your support of our Mission here at John Clarke and wish you the happiest New Year. I look forward to seeing you around our home.
Best Wishes,
Hugh Hall