Pam Maxson

Our December winner of the what ever it takes award goes to a well-deserved employee who works in our activity department and is one of our JCRC hairdressers.  So clearly, she makes residents feel and look good all the time!! Pam has been at John Clarke for 8 years and loves working with the elderly population.  Pam grew up in the business with her family owned a nursing home when she was a young girl.

Pam was born in Newport and still lives in town.  Pam is mostly here on the weekends but is always willing to help whenever she can! She is truly a team player. When Pam isn’t working, she enjoys gardening, yard sales, shopping, movies, spending time with family and friends, she also likes cooking and sharing her food with others.  She states her hairdressing makes people feel good and feel better about how they look.  You might see Pam cruising around in her brand-new car! Congratulations Pam on your award and new car!